Costco Bakery Rugula (Kirkland) Review
Where are the walnuts?
Where are the walnuts?
I am utterly ruined.
Forget the cookies — buy it for the functional decor!
Here’s a run-down of popular holiday treats at Costco.
I did it for science.
They will never escape purgatory.
I don’t make the rules.
No one likes a dessert miser!
Five cent cookies!
I give this meal 3.89 out of 5 stars.
It tastes like hopes and dreams and Canada.
Maybe Goya was also a strudel fan.
I’m not like the other Bisconie Bites!
It’s all about the sauce.
Holy mother of sugarcane!
I gobble-gobbled it up.
Stay out of Soup Jail.
It could have been beautiful.
Karma is gonna get me. Someday.
Smokey the Bear would like a word.