About the Snarkle-Sauce

Illustrious author of the slightly eccentric reviews

A hand holding a stick-figure drawing of a person with a spoon thinking "mmm." The drawing says "Professional Headshot" at the bottom.

I like eating. In fact, I’ve been eating almost daily my entire life. I know how impressed you must be!

I am not a blogger. I don’t even play one on TV. I’m just a weirdo who spends a lot of time reading about things before I try them. I finally decided to write the sort of reviews I wished to read. No-one paid me to do this, so I can be as ornery as I want.

When I’m not-not being a blogger, I’m an artist and an educator, and a professional spiller of anything spill-able. I live “somewhere” on the east coast of Florida, and I hate mayonnaise.

Follow me on Facebook or Twitter. Or don’t. That’s fine, too.