Costco Bakery Rugula (Kirkland) Review
Where are the walnuts?
Where are the walnuts?
No one likes a dessert miser!
It tastes like hopes and dreams and Canada.
I’m not like the other Bisconie Bites!
It could have been beautiful.
Karma is gonna get me. Someday.
120% as good as the hype.
Don’t skip recess.
I stopped for milk. And walked out with this cake.
Staler than a bad dad joke.
If you know, you know.
I have a crust-crush.
Flakier than my ex.
The rumors are true.
Probably shouldn’t buy this.
A little bit sacrilegious.
A tale of two cream pies.
Maddeningly delicious.
Ah, nuts.
Your tastebuds will do a choreographed flash-mob in your mouth.