Aldi Butter Spekulatius Cookies (Benton’s) Review
Plz don’t drown them.
Plz don’t drown them.
They look like they live in a zip code I can’t afford.
I love them, but I’m poor.
I did it for science.
I gobble-gobbled it up.
Smokey the Bear would like a word.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
120% as good as the hype.
Let the hoarding commence.
Enjoy the taco blabber.
Definitely on the “nice” list.
Unequal to the hype. As are we all.
Not flavored like an unmentionable.
The flavor will knock your socks off. Even if you don’t have socks.
This isn’t wussy spice cake.
Chocolate goodness, but no buttery goodness.
A soggy pie with a fabulous crust.
Definitely not robot food!