Ocean Spray Craisins Dried Whole Cranberries (Costco) Review
You bought 64 ounces of Craisins. Now what?
You bought 64 ounces of Craisins. Now what?
Vivacious. And mostly wholesome.
It has potential. Sort of.
Forget the cookies — buy it for the functional decor!
They will never escape purgatory.
Five cent cookies!
I’m not like the other Bisconie Bites!
Smokey the Bear would like a word.
If peanut butter had a love child with cotton candy.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
120% as good as the hype.
Enough dill to haunt you for all eternity.
Beware the soulless nuts.
You need fried cheese curds.
Long live the Crème!
Small Batch Wonders.
Discount tooth aches.
Unpredictable and inconsistent, like life itself.
Better than a hurricane.
Either you like coconut in your chocolate, or you’re wrong.