Loacker Minis Cream Filled Wafer Cookies Review

Weirdly satisfying little Italian cream wafers.
I live alone, and it takes a loooong time to consume goodies at my house. It’s a race against time whenever I open a package of something perishable. The selling point of these little cream wafers is that they are each individually wrapped, so they don’t go stale. Unlike my humor.
I bought ‘em for the convenience, but I kept buying them for the quality and taste. These are definitely my favorite cream wafers, everrrr.
They come in a variety pack of three flavors: Chocolate, Hazelnut, and Vanilla. More about that later.

These wafers are light-as-air, crispy, flavorful, and have a restrained sweetness. If you only love VERY sweet treats, you may not love these. Just warning ya. The filling is made with real hazelnuts, dark chocolate, and Madagascar vanilla beans. Coconut oil is the “fat” in the cream, which my body loved — my body and I love coconut oil, OK?

Size-wise, the bars are smaller than a post-it note, and they taste better than Post-it notes, too. The bag says three wafers is a serving. Each bar is a piquant 0.35 ounces. There is only one bar per wrapper.

The baked, wheat-based wafer layers are thin, crispy, and highly textured. If you are used to the stale, styrofoam taste of the inexpensive cream wafers from the grocery store, you will be pleasantly surprised how superior these are. They have a more delicate crunchiness and fresher taste overall.
There are three layers of cream, and four layers of cronchy wafer. While eating these, the cream taste is much more pervasive than wafer-taste, which I liked. However, the filling is somewhat “less sweet” than typical grocery store wafer, but more “creamy.” I’ll take creamy over sweet any day.

Depending on how warm your house is, the cream filling may be a solid, like a dense icing, or it may soften to an oozy liquid. This is due to the melting point of the coconut oil. The hazelnut filling is a bit softer than the other two varieties, and it tastes like Nutella.

The vanilla flavor is my favorite, and I’m not usually “team vanilla.” The taste is warm and decadent — and a great complement to the fragrant coconut oil. I actually believe the manufacturer when they say they use real Madagascar vanilla beans. If I’m wrong, then I don’t wanna be right. The vanilla is also the “densest” of the fillings, and much more like a firm cream icing.

The chocolate is my second-favorite, which means hazelnut is dead last. Sorry, hazelnut! Tough competition, and all that. I’d describe the chocolate flavor as being satisfyingly “dark” and semi-sweet. Lots of deep cocoa taste in a tiny package. The chocolate layers aren’t very thick, but they deliver.

If I was going to complain about anything, it would be that these cookies are messy to eat. Because they aren’t coated on the outside, the baked wafers produce a lot of dusty crumbs when unwrapping and eating. None of the bars are actually broken, they’re just shedding little crumbs and dust. Snack dandruff. When I’m “on the go,” or in my office, I get powdery fragments all over me, which makes me look sloppier than usual.
[dramatic sigh]
I make snack sacrifices. Snackrifices.

Nutrition Facts in Loacker Wafers Minis
I am impressed by how “healthy” these wafers are. Obviously, not “health food”, but much better than other sweets. There are only 5 grams of added sugar per three wafers, and most of the calories are coming from fat, not carbs. For being so tiny and lightweight, there’s surprisingly 3 grams of protein, and a token gram of fiber. That’s better than some granola cereal!

Ingredients in Loacker Wafer Minis
In case you don’t want to read ALL-CAPS against a screaming red background, here are the ingredients:
Wheat flour, coconut oil, glucose syrup, sugar, whey powder (milk), nonfat dry milk, soy flour, cocoa processed with alkali, hazelnuts, barley malt extract, chocolate liquor, leavening (sodium hydrogen carbonate, disodium diphosphate), salt, soy lecithin, natural vanilla pods, spices.
I love that there are no artificial flavors or colors. There’s also nothing hydrogenated. The flavor comes from real vanilla pods, roasted hazelnuts, and chocolate The soy flour seems like an unnecessary potential allergen, but it is what it is.
These are made in Italy.

Price and Servings
I bought mine at Costco, and they cost $11.79 for a bag of 80 bars (28.22 ounces total). But they are also available online from Amazon and Wal-Mart, in smaller packages. I don’t get money if you buy ‘em. I don’t get anything if you buy ‘em. No ulterior motive here. Just doing my part to spread snack dandruff around the globe!
Author’s note:
Loacker didn’t pay me to write this review, nor did Amazon, Costco, or Wal-Mart. Noooooobody paid meeeee!