UNREAL Dark Chocolate Coconut Minis Review

Either you like coconut in your chocolate, or you’re wrong.
I’m currently on my THIRD enormous bag of these treats, so I must like them an awful lot. These strike me as a more wholesome version of Mounds candy bars. If you prefer “less sweet” sweets (is that an oxymoron?), then you may love these as much as I do.

I’ve never been able to eat a full-size candy bar of any variety in one sitting, so the mini size is perfect for me. Each mini bar is individually wrapped. I keep these in my special snack drawer next to my computer at work, and I eat them when things are not going the way they should. Which explains why I’ve eaten so many already.

Each bar is only 15 grams, but it feels like more than that after I’ve eaten one. The coconut is very filling, and the fat keeps me satisfied. I’m more of a fat/sugar watcher than calorie counter, but if calories are your thing, these have 70 calories per bar.

The dark chocolate is tasty and only mildly sweet. It’s not a thick layer, but it’s as much as I want. If you’ve had other coconut/chocolate health-ish products where the chocolate didn’t taste sweetened at all or was bitter, I can assure you that’s not the case here. This isn’t the best chocolate I’ve ever eaten, but it’s plenty delicious.
If you like chocolate more than you like coconut, you probably won’t dig these. It’s way more coconut than chocolate. The chocolate is just a sly little garnish around the coconut main course. There are other products out there that offer a higher chocolate-to-coconut ratio, and those might float your boat a bit better. Or, crank your tractor, as we would say in Alabama.

The coconut is finely chopped, chewy, and moist. Unlike other coconut candy bars, this coconut filling is not overpoweringly sweet. It still tastes like candy, for sure. But I feel good, and not sick, after eating these.

The only critical thing I have to say is that the chocolate is extra melty. If you hold these in your fingers for more than a few seconds, it makes a mess. I usually hold the bars carefully in the wrapper so that my fingers don’t melt ‘em. Unfortunately, I live in Florida, and my house is almost warm enough to melt these without any body heat. Alas.

One of the major selling points (for me) is the stellar, clean ingredient list:
- Organic coconut
- Organic cassava syrup
- Dark chocolate (chocolate liquor, cane sugar, cocoa butter, vanilla)
Yep, that’s it. Amazing. Can’t beat that with a stick. Well, you could, but it wouldn’t be very nice of you.
These aren’t completely organic, but they are (according to the bag):
- Gluten Free
- Certified Vegan
- Certified Non-GMO
- Fair Trade
- No Soy
- No Sugar Alcohols.
If I was going to offer any suggestions, I might suggest a dash of salt to the ingredients, as there is none.

Nutrition Facts
Likewise, the nutrition is outstanding for a candy item. Only 3 grams of sugar per bar, and 1 gram of fiber. The 5 grams of fat help to slow down the digestion of the sugar, which is important to me to keep my blood sugar stable. I’m a big fan of coconut oil as a source of fat. These are perfect for me.
Servings, Size, and Cost
The 15.3 ounce bag contains 29 servings of one bar each. The regular price at Costco is $10.89, but I got mine on sale for $7.59. You can buy these from many other retailers in smaller bags. Examples: Wal-Mart, Amazon, Vitacost.
These are NOT affiliate links. I don’t get anything if you click or buy. Do whatever you want, my friends. I have no ulterior motive. Not yet, anyway. Mu-aw-ha-hahaaa.
Author’s note: I wasn’t paid to write this review, and I have no affiliation with UNREAL or Costco. Do not attempt to locate my secret snack drawer in my office. I’m watching you.