Aldi Frozen Chicken Breasts (Kirkwood) Review
My stomach does not have eyes.
My stomach does not have eyes.
Let the hoarding commence.
The Charlize Theron of the fish world.
It was $2.75.
So salty, it must be holding a grudge.
Don’t be mad.
Call the Chicken Police.
Two fins up!
If I had to pick one dessert to live with me on a deserted island, it wouldn’t be this one.
Enjoy the taco blabber.
Math is our friend.
The crunch is strong with this one.
I’m not a fish nerd.
Pretty dang amazing.
If James Bond baked a pie…
Marshmallowy and thin.
A fishy redemption arc.
Don’t eat your own shoe laces.
Weird pudding.
Allegedly, there is chicken.